A couple more thoughts based on your comments GD...

I am familiar with RECCE configurations. What is confusing, is the idea of mixing a varmint rifle with a zombie ready carbine. I suppose a RECCE is as close as you can get. However, if I was varmint hunting, I would want a higher power scope and probably an 18" barrel...just for a bit more velocity. Not that RECCE can't do it, it's just disadvantaged slightly. Same goes for Zombies. For CQB / HD / SHTF...I want an 11-12" barrel rifle with a RDO on it, and BUIS as desired.

I wouldn't worry about a slick BCG (chrome, NiB, etc). Phosphate works fine.

SPR's are 18", not 20. Recce are 16".

Is there a reason you want 1/8" twist? Why not 1/7"? Just curious.

Collapsible stocks...I really like the LMT SOPMOD. Also, for slightly less weight...the Magpul CTR has done well for me.

I am a fan of KAC MICRO BUIS. They are phenomenal.

In case you haven't been there yet...here are more ideas for your upper: http://www.bravocompanyusa.com/AR-15-16-Recce-Upper-Groups-Mid-Length-s/132.htm

I would buy the complete lower (sans the stock...get what you want for that). Then throw a Gieselle in it, and you'll learn quite a bit right there about the internals. Keep the stock trigger as spare parts. The lower is rather simple...couple of detents, springs, pins.

I would buy a complete upper also, but that's just me. The market has become so commodotized that there is just not really much gain in DIY...other than the obvious "know how". If that's your game, then you shouldn't really be asking this question to begin with.

JYD #121
The chief cause of unhappiness and failure is trading what you want most in life for what you want at the moment.