I thought this looked like a neat little project.

A Better Mousetrap

Scott writes - "This mousetrap design was used by my uncle decades ago, when his graduate students were studying territorial behavior of rodents in Iowa and Wisconsin. As I recall, they used hundreds of such traps, and caught tens of thousands of mice. When I was a kid, we did something similar in grade school after our teacher took interest in his methods.

I hadn't revisited this for at least 25 years, and then it happened. An infestation in our home. It was absurd, and my wife was going nuts.

I could have poisoned or otherwise killed the things, but I figured it'd be more fun (especially for my youngest children) to catch 'em live and release 'em in an appropriate wild area - though based on what my uncle learned, this is all pointless..."

[Linked Image from marquardts.org]

Here's some related pages:

How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap

[Linked Image from chrisglass.com]

Homemade Humane Mousetraps

JYD #4