I have to get a couple of the 411's now...

Who has handled the prototypes? What other knives is the 411 similar to? I want to get an idea of the size and profile of the blade and balance.

Yea, I would like a quick review too. I like the length of the 311, but the mudders look (and I'm sure feel) sweeeeet! I think the 411 would be small enough because the 511 felt pretty small in my hand. (Not that I have big hands.) But it did, so I think the 411 would be small enough for a high hip carry? Thoughts?

I think you are probably right about the hip carry. Seeing as how the blade is three quarters of a inch shorter (and 1 inch shorter overall) than the S5, it should carry just a tad better. If you're wondering any more about it, I have the specs up for the S5 and 411 (all the info I've got anyway) in the Scrapyard knife specs thread. Hope it is of some help to you.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 09/10/12 12:32 AM.

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