Thanks for the kind words , the funny words and the good advice everyone . Life does have it's ups and downs , I know this first hand . So there will be a more up side one day . I just need to make some adjustments to my new reality .

AZMTHotDog you're right , I have made out fine with the Dogfather and the little Bear Cub . Just find the DF a bit much to carry around on a day in the woods . Luckely for me my grail isn't a $1000 Busse and the Scrapper 6 can be had for much less than the $450 and $500 price of a good 6" Busse . So I WILL own a Scrapper 6 again . It might take 6 months to find one or I might find it tomorrow .

Now I think I'll just set on the porch here with my fellow dogs for a while and know I'm in good company .