Hi guys,
Its been a long while since I've poked around so I figured I'd drop an update. Its a good time for it too because I have some pretty exciting news to share.
Today I completed the final assignment of my baccalaureate college existence with a 50 minute group research presentation on the prevention of central line associated blood stream infections. Exciting stuff I know but my group and I did very well and polished off the final hurdle in attaining out Bachelors of Science in Nursing (RN) degrees. Its a good day.
Afterwards I went home to take a quick nap and I notice that my phone has a voicemail. I hold my breath as the message says "congratulations"... I got the job I have been aiming for for almost a year now. It's a advanced track position that puts me directly into the emergency room in the busiest ER in the state with six months of associated preceptorship and specialty training. Its a "Nurse Residency" and I am on of two that have been accepted into the ER program in the last year. WOOOHOOO, Needless to say the nap I planned never happened. I am super excited, God is good.
Last edited by mpalmer1000; 12/13/13 01:27 AM.