Not certain about 10.5....but 11.5, yes. I'm sure that based on the decibels, it's "technically" not safe. However, having shot all my life....suppressed SBR is just a wet dream. I don't worry about it when hunting at all. When at the range, have to wear protection because of everyone else anyhow.
If $$ is an issue...take a look at the BCM B5 stock. SOPMOD design...lighter weight, much cheaper. I love mine, I use it more than my SOPMOD because of the weight and design improvements. Good deal for the $$.
I can't really say much about performance / $$ when it comes to suppressors. Normally, you get what you pay for. I use Ops Incs on my AR's...heavy, but indestructable, great POI repeat, and solid price / performance ratio. They're also well proven in the field. I think Surefire is top of the game now...they are a bit lighter weight, but their prices are up there...again, you pay for tech. AAC, Surefire, Ops Inc, SilencerCo, etc...all get you where you want to be.