OK Dawgs, got my Leaner today and YUP, it's NICE!
Before I actually got it I was having second thoughts wondering if I should have gotten the thick. Well after getting the Leaner in hand and just flicking it up and down with my wrist I am glad I didn't.
It balances nicely in the hand, but when you get that blade moving that thicker part being quite far forward will really make it slam into what ever you are gonna cut. It will Hit a LOT harder than you would think. This, I think, will overcome anything it may give up by being lighter. And by being lighter, it will carry easier.
These knives, the thick and lean will probably go down as another GREAT Chopping classic, in the category of the DF and Ratweiler/Chopweiler, and actually being better choppers than either one of the Weilers.
Now mind you, this is all just speculation as it's to cold and I am to old to get out in it right now. So actual field testing (for me anyway) is just gonna have to wait. But I've got a couple downed widowmakers that need cut up and burned and the Leaner will be just the thing to do the deed, and as Paul Harvey used to say "Stand by for more".