My brother got one for Christmas one year when we were kids. I was happy with my little single shot, but I was still a little jealous.
I've had quite a few 10/22 over the years. Everything from the plain blued / birch stock models to stainless factory spiral fluted "Target" models to Charger pistols to the new Take-Down model (and everything in between).
I wouldn't be without a 10/22. In fact, my stainless Take-Down with Tech-Sights would be one of the very last guns I'd let go. People on the internet talk about accuracy, but I've come to question: A) their shooting abilities; B) the accuracy of their STATEMENTS; C) the variables involved; D) the truthfulness of their statements.
The 10/22 has a reputation as not being accurate. I suspect this depends on your definition of "accurate". I can flip an empty 12 gauge shotgun shell around at 25-30 yards while standing, supporting my 10/22 TD with OPEN SIGHTS against a wood column (supports the roof over the shooting station at my range) all day any day. This to me is more than adequate accuracy for an open sighted $300 rifle shooting 15 year old "Federal Bulk Pack" ammo from Wal-Mart. I think if I tested quality ammo and found a load the rifle liked it would be exceedingly accurate.
I'm not a benchrest shooter.
The aftermarket support for the rifle is amazing. You can replace every part on it with something else.
They're reliable. I've had some with untold round counts still run. They'll fail occasionally, but its nothing catastrophic (failure to load or similarly non-issue).
Overall, a well equipped stainless 10/22 is a "must have" as far as I'm concerned.
By "well equipped" I mean:
1) Sling
2) Improved Sighting (either a quality scope or open sights like Williams or Tech-Sights)
3) Plenty of mags and ammo.