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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047243 05/18/20 07:05 PM
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In the video(s) they show them being injected INTO a penetrating wound. Might also work for a deep knife wound where there is a large cut opened up. Not sure it would work for any other kind of wound.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047266 05/19/20 10:13 AM
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After SOME thought, and I need to do a lot more thinking on this, I THINK in a bug out situation I would take the following firearms.

My Beretta 9mm PX4 and Beretta 9mm CX4 Carbine AND my Weatherby Assault Shotgun for our HFTH (Head For The Hills) guns. Both Berettas use the same 20 round magazines, of which I have a few. smile I based these choices on my thinking of self defense, which is good. BUT in a prolonged "Bug Out" situation, where they COULD possibly be needed, perhaps even more useful would be the lowly 22 rimfire. There isn't a critter around here worth eating that you couldn't kill with a 22. Might take several shots, but you COULD do it (thinking hard to kill hogs here, deer not so hard).

All I can say is IF it ever comes to it, that we can drive the 10 miles or so to our destination. I would sure hate to "Shanks' Mare" it all the way carrying a ton of stuff.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047267 05/19/20 10:14 AM
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What I listed above is perhaps MORE than needed for an "Emergency" Kit, but then again, what is a Bug Out Situation if not an emergency.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047269 05/19/20 01:55 PM
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In actual combat you really only need one weapon i.e. rifle, anything more is extra weight. Unless you plan on loading up your wife like a mule to haul everything. wink

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Private Klink] #1047300 05/21/20 09:02 AM
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Ray Settanta Offline
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[quote=Private Klink]anything more is extra weight. Unless you plan on loading up your wife like a mule to haul everything. wink[/quote
Been there. Done that. Got the ribbon.

JYD #182
Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047303 05/21/20 01:50 PM
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Figured I could carry the Carbine and Shotgun with ammo along with my "regular" pack items. That would leave Patty carrying her "regular" pack load along with the 22 and pistol with ammo for each one. AFTER we get to our BOL (Bug Out Location). I would be "armed for Bear" with the full 9mm kit and possibly possibly the shotgun with a bandolier of extra shells. Then again, depending upon the situation, we WOULD know if anyone was coming and I might go with the shotgun. We've got a built in GREAT "ambush" site (an old cellar) that covers the non noisy access point. IF we were bugging out by vehicle I would throw my AR-15 in the Jeep along with it's dedicated ammo. Also included would be all the ammo for 22, 9mm, and the 12ga.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047475 06/01/20 08:21 PM
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Well alrighty then. After much searchin, thinking, trial and error, thinking some more I have finalized the blades I will be housing in my new Spec Ops Combat Master (short) sheaths. Got them from a really good dog that is letting go of an Outhouse load of gear and I was able to snag just what I needed.

OK. In one I have after MUCH deliberation my 411. It is just right for my as the handling and blade length and thickness is I feel the best overall "Bushcraft" AKA Every Day Woods Carry or EDWC knife. In the Other one I have my Scrapper 5. I handled both quite extensively in a multitude of hand positions and for me at least the 411 won out even though I think the S5 will make a better piercer the 411 just felt better in MY hand. I even considered the Wardog but it already has a couple sheaths it will fit in so I didn't put to much consideration to housing it in one of the Spec Ops sheaths.

Now for a larger knife, I have considered several. The 711, B8, Bullnosed Regulator and the Lean Cut Chophouse. As far as "Choppers" go, the Lean Cut is by far the winner. BUT I want a sort of dedicated chopper or one that can chop but also lends itself more to other duties as well easier thatn the LC? I thought long ago I had this all figured out, but now that I have finally gotten a couple good sized packs (one 33 liters and one 38 liters) I am rethinking my bladeware, again. I DO know one blade that will be on my pants belt, the Muppy. The others are still sort of up in the air, but the 411 is leading the pack as far as "Regular usin knives" go.

I also have I guess three really robust folders that two of which will be finding new homes. I have the Gingrich Folder (large), the ZT 0909 and the emerson Rendition. Any of the three would make for a good additional backup blade for Just in case.

And as I stated earlier, I just now have to figure out what will be going on my "Secondary Belt". I plan on having an EDC fixed blade, POSSIBLY two plastic USGI canteens, a small boo boo first aid kit and I'm not really sure what else.

Do I really think I need to do all this, actually no, EXCEPT for emergencies of the Mother Nature Variety. But with that being said, things are getting bad closer to Podunk Missouri what with the three shootings in less than 8 hours we had just 25 miles from here.

Once I get my new Kelty pack in and load er up I need to set my Molle vest up the way I THINK I want it and see how it plays with the new pack and make adjustments where and in what ways are needed, IF I use it at all. Decisions like this make my Brain hurt, and in my case it sure don't take much.

But on a lighter side, I finally have all the FAK stuff I need, I think. Patty had squirrel holed (sorry DT) some stuff from when I had my back surgery. It's never been opened, so should be good to go.

It will all work out. May take some time but I'll get it done how I want.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/01/20 09:08 PM.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047486 06/02/20 02:02 PM
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Randy, for an actual bug-out situation don't overlook plenty of water and easy to prepare food, and cooking tools with utensils. An easy to set up shelter (tent) and a couple of blankets will go a long way for comfort, along with fire-making supplies. For weapons, a shotgun, AR-15 and pistol of your choice would be good if you are bugging out in your vehicles and not trying to carry everything in a couple of packs. The packs and bins of supplies would be alright carried in vehicles.

I just returned from Walmart and they have removed all guns and ammo from the floor due to concerns of possible violence. So far we have been lucky around here, and I hope that it stays peaceful. Here in the boonies EVERYBODY has at least a deer rifle and shotgun and wouldn't hesitate to use them to protect their families and property. Much like the sixties, this is a sad time for America. frown

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047490 06/02/20 08:37 PM
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Tom, I SHOULD have the water covered. I have:
2 - 40oz SS single wall water bottles
1 - 40oz SS canteen with military style cup and stove (pathfinder canteen/cookware set I bought several years ago at SMKW
2 - 32oz SS single wall water bottles
2 - 32oz USGI Plastic canteens with cups
1 - 3liter water bladder with carrier

So we have the water carrying part covered. I have some Sawyer filters and Frontier and am really considering on getting this

On the Firearm side, IF in a vehicle it will be:
My Weatherby SA-459TR Shotgun
Beretta PX4 9mm pistol and CX4 Carbine with the 20 round mags

If hoofing it, the 10-22 for sure. After that it's still up in the air about the 9mm combo and or Shotgun and POSSIBLY the AR. Still have to do a lot of thinking on this one.

On the shelter side, we've got it covered, sort of. We have:
10x20 tarp
10x12 tarp
8x10 tarp
We also have some wool blankets and a couple of those "All Weather Emergency Blankets". Ours have "Pockets" sewn for your head and one for each hand. They work surprisingly well. I have been looking at some small tents lately and am considering one of those as well.

Food, we have a couple weeks worth of Mt. House freeze dried along with normal canned foods along with rice, pasta etc.

We're working on it, still have a ways to go but we could make it if we needed to, not as comfortably as someone like you and of Course Gary. but as I said, we're working on it.

Got my Kelty Map3500 in today so maybe tomorrow I can load it up with some stuff and get it adjusted and see how it fits. I also need to do the same thing again with my TT 3 Day Assault bag. I think I am gonna concentrate on making my Malaga into a dedicated FAK with extra supplies and just outfitting the IFAK with bare essentials. I THINK I may regulate the new PF II along the lines of a GHB, always carry with us from Vehicle to Vehicle like I now do with the Malaga. Still thinking this one over, but we'll come up with something.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/02/20 08:40 PM.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047493 06/02/20 10:08 PM
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Ray Settanta Offline
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Careful Randy. Pretty soon you’ll be humping a ruck like a Marine!

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047495 06/02/20 10:40 PM
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Haha, nope. I'm to old for that. This is just for a last resort, TEOTWAWKI, or when the toilets back up. Which ever happens first. grin

In all actuality, IF it were ever to come to this, we would only need to travel about 10 MAYBE 12 miles to a place with a "Cabin" setting at a 3 acre "Lake", WELL off the highway and not all that easy to get to.

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Re: Emergency Kit Development - The Strategy Behind It [Re: Endeavour Morse] #1047496 06/02/20 10:52 PM
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Was just looking through my "Stash" of always available, on your body, never without blades and came across my original pre production version of the Benchmade Nimravus Cub. The ONLY thing I would rather not have is the serrations. BUT It is still I think my all time personal favorite edc type fixed blade knife. I didn't realize they didn't make it any more as I was considering on buying another. I DID find one in New Jersey, for TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTY FIVE DOLLARS! Nope, ain't gonna happen. I might have to set it aside for a while and carry (If I want to carry a fixed blade) CRKT Polkowski Kasper fighter. I actually have all three in the set, the fixed and both the large and small folders.

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 06/02/20 10:54 PM.

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