I’ve gone a little nuts with this Scorpion. I have ALWAYS wanted a small “Subgun”. Guess it’s from watching all those Violent cartoons like Road Runner, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam Bugs Bunny, well you get the point.
Anywho, I paid 855 (with my military discount) for the gun with SB Tactical folding stock, Magpul flip up MBUIS sights, 4.12 inch barrel, 2 20 round factory mags, and a KAK Industries flash can. Oh and it also came with a small cleaning kit. AND I FORGOT, it came with a factory rebate of 100 dollars! And Yes, I applied for that within an hour of getting home!

The owner has had the gun for some time (he was stuck with it when the ATF said that they had decided after Braces being legal for MANY MANY years they were going to make them illegal). And since it was the only one he had left he didn’t want to take a chance of getting stuck with it again.
Friday I ordered a Magpul grip and 3 Magpul 35 round mags. Next week (when they verify my Military Retirement) I’m getting ready to order:
Magpul MS4 Sling
Juggernaut Tactical Flash Can (longer than the one on the gun, so it will be better to keep muzzle blast off my hand and flashlight I’m gonna use (my Streamlight TLR-7 or the HL version). Plus it’s got a “striking” bezel on it

Strike industries CZ Scorpion short ambi Safety Selector Switches
Law Valley Precision M-LOK rail section
Magpul M-LOK AFG angled fore grip
This, as I’ve said is my (OK, ONE of) my Grail Guns. The only thing that would make it better would be a suppressor. I don’t really see that happening, But who knows.
Now, you’re asking yourself why are you going with products that I’ve never heard of before. Well that’s because I found everything I wanted from this one site, so I didn’t have to order from several different places.