my knives are always biting's some crummy pics of my last "GOOD" one.i was in the woods,about 1hr from my car,2hr from the was around 11pm[dark],i had no med kit and was by myself.did i mention i did it with a 5/16in CS gurkha kukri??
if it would've got the tip of my finger instead of my largest knuckle i might have lost something and the fact that i was wearing some nomex aviator gloves definitely helped.havnt seen my own blood like that in a few years.caught me off guard and scared me for a sec.cut up a t-shirt and wrapped it.packed up,hiked out,drove to hospital,drank a beer in the parking lot,drove back,hiked back up around 2am and finished my weekend.
i cut the tendon good but avoided is getting better but i still dont have full movement and this was in oct. or nov.
here's the pic i took the next morning while at my lean-to.doc hooked me up good
here's when i got home.dont look bad here.
![[Linked Image from]](
that knuckle is still twice as big as it used to be.needless to say,i pack a nice med kit now.
i hope your ok and dont have any lingering issues with it down the road and a speedy recovery.keep us posted and let us see some pics of the bite and the culprit if you get a chance.