Well I have been wanting to post my set up for awhile now and since I'm on a roll with the pictures I figure I should keep it up. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
I have put much time and thought in this kit and I think I have done pretty well.
The base pack is a older Camelbak Chaos, they still make this hydration system but it is in forest green and black now instead of coyote.
On the bottom of the pack you can see I have a poncho, on the side you can see my "survival knife" and psk, on the other side is the orange survival bandana which is usually inside the pack but is outside because of the recent hunting season, and on the left strap you can see a 1700lb carabiner.
![[Linked Image from i40.tinypic.com]](http://i40.tinypic.com/2qrzgig.jpg)
Here is the contents of the front pocket, I keep these things in here because I use them alot.
Inside is a SOG powerlock, canteen cup and stove, filter tabs, and the IMPS-NET(
http://www.brigadeqm.com/cgi-bin/tame.exe/store/level4c.tam?M5COPY.ctx=7824) that also contains 100yds of 550 cord.
![[Linked Image from i44.tinypic.com]](http://i44.tinypic.com/2rc521k.jpg)
Here is the contents of my knife kit, the pouch is a maxpedition cacoon, the sheath is a basic spec-ops molle, the strap is from a Gerber LMF2.
The knife is a Busse Comp Edge Hell Razor which I chose because it is really light, tough, chops, and cuts extremely well.
Contents are: firesteel with fatwood, hank of 110lb cord, medium stone, complete Doug Ritter kit, firestarter, Case hunter trapper orange g-10, 12 hour light stick, and a Surefire E2L.
![[Linked Image from i41.tinypic.com]](http://i41.tinypic.com/143m7w0.jpg)
Here is the knife kit packed up.
![[Linked Image from i43.tinypic.com]](http://i43.tinypic.com/2qkrlon.jpg)
This is what it looks like when you open up the main compartment of the pack.
![[Linked Image from i43.tinypic.com]](http://i43.tinypic.com/9bb3bm.jpg)
Here are the contents of the pack laid out.
There are mechanix gloves, survival bandana, fire kit in tin, sas survival guide, extra bateries for the surefire, militec-1 oil, a 72 hour candle, wool socks, a heavly modified sawyer medkit (with extra E-badanges, sutures, moleskin, cream etc.), toilet paper, two minirolls of ductape, 2 500kcal energy bars, the rough and fine rod from a sharpmaker, 2 12 hour lightsticks, paracord, heatsheet, and a silva ranger compass.
![[Linked Image from i41.tinypic.com]](http://i41.tinypic.com/2ntzgcg.jpg)
Now packing it up.
I try to pack smart, with the most needed and used stuff at the top.
First I put in the candle, socks and 550 cord.
![[Linked Image from i39.tinypic.com]](http://i39.tinypic.com/mn22j8.jpg)
Next is the lightsticks, tape, energybars, heatsheet, sharpening rods, and medkit.
![[Linked Image from i39.tinypic.com]](http://i39.tinypic.com/b9gkjs.jpg)
Lastly the bag with the book, bateries, oil, and firekit goes in, then the TP, gloves, bandanna, and the silva ranger sits on top and is dummy corded to a loop on my pack strap.
![[Linked Image from i44.tinypic.com]](http://i44.tinypic.com/2u5esn7.jpg)
Here it is all zipped up and ready to go again.
![[Linked Image from i39.tinypic.com]](http://i39.tinypic.com/2en46d5.jpg)
Hope that gives you guys some ideas.
If you have any questions just ask.