I like the sword idea.
This has been discussed about a year ago and a few times since. Some of you newer guys probably just missed. But, no problem bringing it up again. It has been too long.
..... although, I have to agree with MRpink: This thread has been killed (hijacked) by "video games, khurkis, mall ninjas, and southpark boxers!" Any hope to have a worthwhile arguement about bringing such an item have been tanked. If Dan sees this thread, it will be hard for him to not associate a sword with Mall Ninja and silliness. I am pretty sure Dan doesn't want to make a blade associated with these things.
But, there are a good number of us that would be interested in a sword. I would like a good 14"-15" Golok or Barong as well.
I think I posted my first Ruck variant concept back on June 13th (per a quick search). My concept ScrapRuck has been tweaked a little since. Here is my last version:
My original post was here:
Scrap Ruck Kensei 89% voted they would buy it. So, I know there is a good number of Dogs that want a sword type blade.
I like some of the concepts posted, but honestly, I would much rather have a wakazashi length with a blade around 15" - 17" and probably with a blade height closer to 1.25" - 1.5" (less than the DF).
At lengths much longer, you are not talking about efective tools so much as zombie weapons. Machetes and certain thin light-weight blades can be functional up to about 21" or so, but keep in mind a Scrap Yard is likely to be about .25" - .275" thick or so. If it is that thick and as tall as the DF, it will be VERY heavy. It might be very impressive and something to drool over, but too heavy to carry and use.
Also, keep in mind that Busse appears to have a couple of mold style options for Res-C (actually 4 that I am aware of - large and small from the Swamp Rat line and large and small from the Busse Basic series. Three of those have been re-used here at Scrap Yard.) They are all one-handed options.
I don't see Busse making a special two-handed mold for a run of long blades.
Personally, I prefer a single-handed longer blade that can be used for machete type work anyway. The large Swamp Rat Res-C handle is the most likely usable Res-C handle - same as on the DF/DFLE, YG/YH and S6.
Personally, I would rather have a 1-handed version for machete type use anyway. But, weight has to be controlled for 1-handed use. I don't personally want a 2 foot blade with about 4 pounds of SR-77 to try to control and use.
So, granted, I could be wrong, but I think designs are going to have to be designed around the single handed Res-C mold. And I feel weight and length should be considered based on that mold as well.