Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ka-Bar Next Gen
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 07:38 PM
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Horn Dog
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Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ratweiler
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 07:50 PM
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Horn Dog
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Ok, now this is a KNIFE! This heavyweight makes some of the others tested so far feel like fillet knives. 19 oz of 52-100 steel and a great handle, make this a real chopper. This is the Ratweiler. ![[Linked Image from]]( This wood gave the others fits trying to split it. The RW makes it look easy! ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( This may well be my most powerful chopper in this review. It is heavier than even the Chopweiler. And it has that nice bowie clip point. I love this knife! This knife can do it all. No brag, just facts. It makes work easy, and that makes survival easier, right? ![[Linked Image from]](
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ranger RD7
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 08:05 PM
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Horn Dog
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One of the non-Busse made brands that impresses me is the Ranger RD series. This is the RD7. It actually has an 8" blade. This knife will out chop the Becker BK-7 or the Ontario RAT-7. It is comparable to the Camp Tramp and SOD in chopping. It's a beast. Maybe not quite the chopper the Ratweiler is, it is no slouch. The handle is not the best, but surely not the worst. ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( This knife can baton with the best of them, and the clip point works well for drilling. The 5160 steel is pretty tough. I'd say the RD7 is a serious survival knife. No gimmicks. No nice fit or finish like the Bark Rivers. Just a hard working affordable knife.
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ranger RD7
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 08:34 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
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Great job Vic!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
I have to agree on the Ratweiler. I picked up a first gen Ratweiler recently in a trade and I just love it. I figured it'd be similar to my Chopweiler, but there's just something about that Ratweiler. Right now it's become my favorite!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
Along with my DFLE, NMSFNO, SOD and........ <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
JYD#35 Dog Walkin in the Rain
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ranger RD7
[Re: Rainwalker]
02/20/09 10:15 PM
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Horn Dog
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Great job Vic!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
I have to agree on the Ratweiler. I picked up a first gen Ratweiler recently in a trade and I just love it. I figured it'd be similar to my Chopweiler, but there's just something about that Ratweiler. Right now it's become my favorite!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbup.gif" alt="" />
Along with my DFLE, NMSFNO, SOD and........ <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> It has got to be the King Kong of this size knife review. I'm back from a little celebration in town. Let us continue.....
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: SOG Seal 2000
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 10:26 PM
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Now we have another combat knife that is usually considered to be a survival type knife, The Seal 2000 from SOG. As one might expect, it has a good strong point, to pass the Navy's point strength test. ![[Linked Image from]]( This 1/4" thick knife did well splitting wood with the baton. ![[Linked Image from]]( It also chopped surprisingly well. Maybe a bit better than the Ka-Bar. ![[Linked Image from]]( And this is the best thrower so far today. Thunk, first try! ![[Linked Image from]]( The zytel handle is not my favorite. Until I tried the Schrade knurled steel handle, I thought this was the worst for comfort. Navy seals are used to pain, though, so SOG copied a green pine cone for the handle design. But it is a rugged and tough knife with good balance and reasonably good cutting. It also passed the salt water immersion test, so this is a good choice for wet environments.
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Ranger RD7
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 10:34 PM
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JYD # 87
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Entrek Destroyer
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 10:35 PM
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Horn Dog
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Next up is the Entrek Destroyer. This knife got a good review in Tactical Knives. I don't know why. Until I completely reground the edge it was a very disappointing chopper for its size. The handle is a bit small for me. With the thick 1/4" blade, it splits wood well enough. ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( It will even chop, now that I've reground the edge. It will do just a bit better than the narrower combat knives tested so far, but not up to the SOD, CW, RW or RD-7 performance. ![[Linked Image from]]( I can't really recommend this knife when there are so many others in its price range that do better. It looks cool, but is a disappointment.
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: BRKT HB
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 10:48 PM
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Horn Dog
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Here is a retro survival knife, a blast from the past. Mountain men and trappers carried knives like this from 1700s into the 1900s. It is the original "Camp Knife" design. And it still works. ![[Linked Image from]]( Bark River's version is a joy to use. That wide convex ground blade is a superb chopper and splitter, right up there with the Ratweiler. This knife can chop, split kindling, skin, slice, and even do some more delicate notching and bushcraft. It has enought point for sticking and defense. It is superbly balanced. Its A2 steel is plenty tough for these tasks. This is the original prototype of all the camp type knives that followed, and it is a serious survival knife. BRKT got this one right and it is a great all-around knife. ![[Linked Image from]](
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: MOD-4
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 10:59 PM
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Horn Dog
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This brings us to a modern version of the camp or survival knife, the British MOD-4 Survival knife. I don't care much for the balance on this one. The thick full tang puts too much weight in the handle for a chopper. It just doesn't feel right for some reason. The steel is soft for easy sharpening, a bit too soft. It dulls easily. It will chop, but for such a thick broad blade, I expected better. It is only marginally better than the Ka-Bar and SOG as a chopper. ![[Linked Image from]]( Its thick blade does make it a good splitter. ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( But the point, if you can call it that, is pathetic. It bouced out of the log after a solid point first hit when I threw it. ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( But the knife is tough as nails, and it would be a realiable, if clunky, survival knife.
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: CR GB
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 11:11 PM
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Horn Dog
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Now I know some of you have looked forward to me beating up and maybe even breaking this Chris Reeve Green Beret knife.I gave this one a good workout! It chopped fairly well for this type knife. ![[Linked Image from]]( I pounded it throught this hard maple. The swedged point chopped off my baton! ![[Linked Image from]]( ![[Linked Image from]]( The tip of the baton went flying off, but I retrieved it for your viewing pleasure. ![[Linked Image from]]( I got a bigger baton and hammered the S30V blade on through the log. ![[Linked Image from]]( It took me three tries, but I finally stuck it. I thought the Seal 2000 threw better. ![[Linked Image from]]( The GB survived it all just fine. ![[Linked Image from]](
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.
Re: Survival Knives Compared: Chopweiler
[Re: Horn Dog]
02/20/09 11:22 PM
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Horn Dog
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This brings us to the last two knives in the monster review, the Swamp Rat Chopweiler and the Busse SARsquatch CE. ![[Linked Image from]]( As you might expect, the chopweiler is a heck of a chopper. That funny shaped handle just works for me. This is a serious survival knife. ![[Linked Image from]]( And it is a splitting machine, just like the RW, CT, RD7 and SOD. It has enough point to stick, but I like the clip point on the Ratweiler better. ![[Linked Image from]]( At 17+ oz, its not all that heavy to carry around. I can't figure out why the Ratweiler is so much heavier, but it is.
Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.