Hi Vic,
Excellent review.
I've got a couple of those knives (or similar):
I purchased at one point a SOG Seal Team Elite, same as the 2000, I think with black finish and notched top. For some reason as I was doing my research, I decided it didn't fit my idea of what I was looking for and sent it back. About three days later, I thought; what the heck am I doing? And ordered it returned to me. It is obviously not a woods survival knife per se, but the lines are incredible, as is the fit, finish, extended tang, etc. I even like the handle. It is a great personal defense knife and actually stays quite near when I sleep, so I end up seeing it all the time. The "cool" factor is way up there.
I also own a Ontario RD8, I didn't find much in the way of reviews on the www, but what I did find impressed me. That is one cool blade. Looks like a one off, the two grips don't even match color very well. It arrived with a crappy lop-sided grind. I was going to send it back too. But over a couple days, I became familiar with what it was trying to tell me. I cleaned up the grind, got it a Kydex sheath and it is one of the more cool and distinctive knives in my collection. I can barely get it sharpened enough to thin slice a tomato rather roughly, but it would look pretty cool sticking out of the top of a car (sorry for the graphic reference everyone). It is a great backpack knife.
What really surprised me is that it weighs almost exactly the same as the SOD LE. Very impressive on the SOD's part. In the hills "less is more" when it comes to weight of course, but you still need enough to get the job done. The SOD is 2" its senior, thicker blade, front weighted. It is going to be a Great mountain knife.
Last edited by Maniacal Pete; 10/25/10 01:15 AM.