We are still having technical issues with the web just wont cooperate <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif" alt="" /> However, we have fixed the shopping cart. The Regulator and Deregulator will be posted in the next hour. The main website will be updated in the next few days. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crossfingers.gif" alt="" /> All orders will be processed in the order in which they are received. Renee is out of pocket for the next few days so please e-mail her your ID/info so she can apply the proper discount when she get's back.
Failure to provide Renee with the proper ID information within 10 business days of your order being place on the site will result in cancelation of the order and the blades will be made available to other customers.
Please note; If your order does not qualify for a "Services or Test Team" discount, the order will be processed accordingly from the shopping cart.
Mil. Over Run Regulator/Deregulator Specs:
Overall Length: 13"
Blade Length: 7 1/2"
Blade Grind: Sabre
Blade Thickness: .333" (Over 5/16")
Steel: SR-101
Hardness: 58-60 RC
Handle: Resiprene C
Hardening: Through-hardened
Weight: 15.8 ounces
Pricing: The prices reflected here do not include shipping and handling cost. This will be added at the time of order
Mil. Over-Run Regulator $ 99.95
***Discounted Regulator $ 89.95
Mil. Over-Run Regulator with Sheath $109.90
**Discounted Regulator with sheath $ 99.90
Mil. Over-run Deregulator $109.95
***Discounted Deregulator $ 99.95
Mil. Over-run Deregulator with Sheath $119.90
***Discounted Regulator with sheath $109.90
Additional...Deregulator Description:
Same Specs as the Mil. Overrun Regulator but with the top of the guard milled off. There is a $10.00 charge for this feature. The milling procedure leaves behind a set of really nice thumb grooves. Of course, being Resiprene C which is quite cushy, it is impossible to get it perfectly clean cut without some “fuzzy” edges. The grooves will require light sanding with some 320 – 400 grit sand paper or emery cloth wrapped around a piece of 1/4” dowel. This should only take you about 10 -15 minutes of light sanding to remove the fuzzies from the machining process. This operation must be done by the owner as we do not have the time to hand finish each and every handle nor does it make sense to pay shop rates for this effort. This machined handle option is only available on the first issue of Regulators for a nominal fee of $10.00 Deregulator Mil. Overrun Special Price = $99.95 +$10.00 milling or $109.95
*** “Services & Test Team your order and the discount will be given after you send an email to Renee at with a copy of your Military ID, Police & Rescue Personel ID, or your Test Team Regulator Edition knife number.
*** If you purchase the Mil. Regulator at the Special Test Team, Military, Law Enforcement, and Rescue Personnel price, you must agree to not sell them for 12 months. You must have been an original member of the Regulator Test Team in order to qualify for the Test Team Special Price. If you violate the terms of this agreement, we will not sell to you again.
Optional Cordura Sheath = $24.95
A black Cordura sheath features an expandable front pocket with buckle closure and features double Velcro retaining straps with snaps (similar to a “jump ready” style sheath)
*** Please note that the special sheath offer is only valid with the purchase of Regulator or Deregulator/sheath combo. This is only available at the time of the initial order. Orders placed later or seperately will be priced at $24.95
Additional information and pictures can be found in the following threads
Regulator; Deregulator; Dan