I know I am gonna catch heck for this, as I don't have any pictures of the knife, but suffice it to say it was there. A mission trip to the Huaodani people. Awesome trip, and a few pictures for good measure.
3 Huaodani warriors. The one on the left is Gabriel...the village chief/leader. And yes, he can hit a bird at 20 yds with that blow gun!! The one on the right is hold the 8-9' spear. They use that for war or hunting large game. The fat bald guy in the middle who they decided to put war paint on is me.
This next one is Pedye. He took a liking to me for some reason. His uncle is one of the ones who killed the missionaries back in '56 (movie "End Of The Spear" was taken from this event).
One more just cause I thought it was interesting. Gabriel wanted to go hunting for us, so he took his single shot 16ga (yep, surprised me too) and went for a meal. What can I say, I have eaten monkey!!
The knives I took with me were the Scrapper 5 CG with black/black, and a BlindHorse knives Boat tail scandi. The Scrapper 5 was the absolute brute of the trip. I carried it in a Rainwalker kydex sheath with the "X" loop. Several other members brought knives, but most were the Wally World S&W blades. I was going to give a knife as a present, but there were 7 of us and everyone else had the same idea. Well, I used the SY 5 for everything. The ladies kept asking for it in the "kitchen", and everyone on the trail had me chop them a walking stick after seeing how much help it was in the extremely muddy trails. The blade had a bit of rust develope in the polished cutting edge, but it never slowed down. We hiked 6 hrs in torrential rain on the way in and on the way out. It was harder than the 2 marathons I have been in, but I am also not in the shape I should have been.
Just a word on the BHK Boat tail scandi. I love blindhorse knives also. Realy quality stuff. But let me just say that 4 days of rain and heat/humidity in a leather sheath was aweful for that little 1095 blade. The coating on the S5 really payed off.
Well, for what it is worth, maybe someone will find it interesting!!