All four humanitarian/disaster relief missions I have been a part of we flew/shipped in tons of bleach. We handed it out in places like Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines etc .. you get the picture, 3rd world places. We gave them a 5 gallon bucket and told them to fill it with water and add a cap of bleach and let it sit for a few hours. It seemed to work well as none of the locals we gave it to were coming down with the parasites and other ickys as other villages farther away. We also advised them to boil the water when they could instead of the bleach, but fuel was scarce, so I don't many did.
In other places, missions my friends were on like the tsunami in Japan where the water was contaminated not infected, they gave them buckets with holes in the bottom and showed them how to make filters by filling it with layers of different size rocks, pebbles and sand.
We are regularly issued Aquamira Frontier Pro straw like filters, but I have never had to use them. I just grab a fresh bottle of water for the pallet.

We all had Aquamira Frontier Pro straw like filters issued.