He said something on a vid a while back that made a lot a sense to me. He was doing a review on budget knives and said that a lot of people looked down on them because the steel was not as good as that on higher end knives. He stated that if he were going into a combat situation where he could not adequately maintain the edge on his knives that would indeed be a concern. But he asked how good the edge would have to be to cut flesh. A dedicated fighting knife should not be used to cut boxes and baton wood.
I don't mind "Budget" knives at all as long as they have a good heat treat to them.
And YES, I agree with this statement. I think you should "Test" the edge on I guess paper, then when you know how well it cuts, strop it just a couple three times and call it quits unless it gets dull in use.
I wouldn't hesitate to use my Steel Tiger in any situation and I only paid $39.95 for it!