Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:04 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Calling all FAL experts lol
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:16 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Just did some quick reading. It seems the Argentine Coonans are fairly desirable.
USMC 1997-2002. 6173 CH-53D Sea Stallion Helicopter Crew Chief and Flightline Mechanic. Semper Fi!
"Be still, Taggart!"
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:24 PM
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Andy the Aussie
Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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I can't check the links from here to break it down, the Argie rifles were mostly built up on like new kits, the Steyr kits varied from like new to used, but they were considered some of the very best. It is why you can have two almost identical vehicles sitting next to each otehr and the owners will have different values.
Looking at teh asking price of kits/receivers so many of the already built rifles are VERY VERY good...!!!!
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:27 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Ok. How hard are FAL mags to find and how much do they cost currently?
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:30 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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How do you figure if it's a good build. Do certain people on the FAL files build and have good reputations?
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:31 PM
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Andy the Aussie
Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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You can get new DSA and MOSES Mags around 20-30 I think and surplus are out there in numbers, not like they use to be butthey are not rare either. The FAL magazines is VERY resiliant....!!! Even old and ugly magazines and normally 100% reliable..!!
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:32 PM
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Andy the Aussie
Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Actual gunsmiths yes, but you will pay a premium for thier name (it is worth it) but there are many others who know just what they are doing. Lots of home built rifles and they range in functionality etc as you would expect.
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:36 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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I'm not sure how to look at a picture of a FAL and judge the rifles integrity. $800+ is a hard buy with no garentee your buying a good gun and not an expensive club lol
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 09:48 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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well you have a bad gsr and my m1a scout had to go back to th factory once as well. there's no guarantees you will get a good one but you can always negotiate that type of stuff. can always ask if the seller is willing to let you check it out and have a gunsmith look over it with the option to return for a refund. plus buying off FAL files or somewhere like that you can check a guys post history and see if he compained about the rifle.
what i have learned is that the members on here will lead you right. whatever you decide to buy just run it by one of these guys.
JYD #82
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 10:13 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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Why did your m1a go back?
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/07/13 10:51 PM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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mag well was tight. this was a problem with the green stocks. i sent it back (they covered shipping) and they shaved some material out the stock. i also still need to send my trigger group back because the safety is pretty stiff. i'm sure a few other issues coudve been worked while it was there like the op rod hitting the scout mount. cant say it's a "problem" but i do see where i has bumped it a couple times. just those few things that arent cool to see when you have spent enough $$$$ that you shoud be free from such issues.
it does make you wonder what you can get if you just put a few hundered $$$ into a $600 vepr in .308 and pocket the rest.
JYD #82
Re: Semi-Auto .308 Rifle
[Re: Spider-Pig]
11/08/13 08:45 AM
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Junk Yard Dog
Junk Yard Dog
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That's frustrating. Sorry to hear that Lazi. It seems the quality of work coming from gun companies these days leaves a lot to be desired.
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138