OK, dogs, we're getting down to the wire now. It's the 28th of December so let's get on with the stats.
The Outdoors and Fieldcraft section is now at 30,461 posts, no change from yesterday.
The Knives Forum section is now at 740,577 post, up from 740,113 giving us a 464 post increase.
The S4 Death chat page count is now at 414 pages, up from yesterdays 409 giving us a 5 page increase.
The Squirrels Friendly Contest thread is now at 793 pages, up from yesterdays 780 giving us a 13 page increase.
The Run For The Porch thread is now at 1411 pages, up from yesterdays 1410 giving us a 1 page increase.
The TOTAL Forum post count is now at 826,002 posts, up from yesterdays 825,538 thereby giving us a 464 post increase. Will we make it to 830K posts by the end of the year?
Well now then this means we need 173,998 more posts to reach our One Million Post goal.
Last edited by SkunkHunter; 12/28/13 08:03 AM.