Lol I know that randy I was just wondering is it just the bolt and gas system but the reciver is designed to fit or is there more parts similarities than that?
Any day I'm above the grass and I'm not a zombie is a good day! JYD#138
Nope just the bolt, gas system, and barrel are modeled after the 1100 the rest is all MKA.
JYD#176 "dein Gott schickte mich zu zerstören" "Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis" "Sometimes the chance of a zombie outbreak is the only reason I need to make many of my life's Decisions." General Delivery
Sounds cool man. So you can put on a collapsible stock?
Yes you can or a folding I haven't decided which one i am going to go for.
JYD#176 "dein Gott schickte mich zu zerstören" "Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis" "Sometimes the chance of a zombie outbreak is the only reason I need to make many of my life's Decisions." General Delivery