After looking at pics (on the knife spec thread) I think a normal choil that stops at the plunge line would work real nice. It will be somewhat angled (ala the Mud Puppy choil, WHICH IS GREAT!), and helps keep your finger away from the edge.

OK Dan, here is the design criteria for the BGSS4.
1. A Muppy type choil (or keep it the normal shape but stop it at the choil line so it isn't a full half circle)
2. Rounded spine
3. Choice of black, gray or green mudders
4. Choice of powder coat in black, sage, coyote brown and NO coating (don't do anything special just leave off the coating).
5. Choice of .125 or .187 (one eighth or three sixteenth inch) blade thickness.

Dan, you'll sell a ton of these! smile

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 02/29/16 01:19 PM.

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