Thanks. Things have taken an unexpected turn for the worse. She's dying. She'll pass on within a few hours. No idea what happened…it's just her time. Now all we're praying for is that my kids get here before she passes.

She isn't able to speak. My dad had told the docs to cease care, per her wishes. I had a strong feeling I needed to ask her if she wanted to see the kids first. She was lucid for the first time and said "YES!" My wife and kids are on a plane to get here now and we are trying to help her remain in this life for just a while longer.

It's so hard to watch her suffer and know she's only holding on to see her grandchildren one last time. This hurts so bad.

JYD #126
Super JYD #13

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Benjamin Franklin

"A free people ought to be armed."

- George Washington