Gary, I'm glad that you got through!

About 10 days ago Dan Busse called me and we had a nice long discussion. Seems that you can't just fire one forum host and switch to another quickly...technical "Geek" stuff. He pointed out that the Swamp is operating over at Bladeforums, and eventually the Yard will too. I myself have been posting at the Swamp, so I know that it's working. In time the Yard shoulod be at Bladeforums as well, listed under the "Manufacturers'Forums" .

As far as some other members goes, it pays to have a "thick skin". Most of us can get heated at one time or another. wink

Junk Yard Dog #1
Moderator/Leader of the Pack
Good night Mrs. B, wherever you are!
Long Live the Brotherhood of the Yard!