Hey Dan, you’ve heard the saying “If you build it they will come”, but what you didn’t know is they were talking about the MINI SASH! ( Mini Skinny Ash). You know, 4.5 inch blade about .150-.170 inch thick with no more than a half inch choil (if any choil at all) with mudders or Wardog handle. But the mudders would look a lot sexier. Heck! Just stretch the Muppy out to 4.5 inches and maybe about 3/16 to 1/4 inch taller blade and call it golden! grin

Heck if it gets built I’ll buy at least two myself.

Well golly Gee Wally, Call either one the Dog Crafter ant you will have other bushcrafter knives shaking in their sheathes. ! grin

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 05/02/22 04:25 PM.

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