Evening all,

When dealing with wilderness survival, their seems to be myriad schools of thought, but one of the terms bandied about most frequently is "bushcraft". The working definition of this term, as I've been able to deduce from what I've heard around the yard is this:

Bushcraft (Noun): using intelligence and a small knife do the work of much larger tools, while expending less energy

But while I've read books on wilderness survival, and done what I can in the way of field training, I'm still something of a novice on the specific art of bushcraft. With that mind, I've decided to start a thread on the subject for the general edification of posterity. Here are the questions I'd love to have answered by you rough-living, knowledgeable sorts:

1. What does bushcraft mean?
2. What is the idea bushcraft tool?
3. What is the best way to learn about it?
4. How does it vary by terrain? (i.e. is woodland the only kind of bushcraft)

Now lets get started!

P.S. for your convenience, we could abbreviate "bushcraft" as "BC", if you like

Have you hugged your camp knife today?