In my case, prying is not an often task; so, if my knife can pry is good, but not required. What I need from a small knife usually is to cut well and everything (from soft food to wood, cables and cans) and to be able to hit the end of the handle to break things with the tip (for example hard-set wax) without knife damage. Regarding the price I don't have any fixed range. I won't pay few sousands of bucks for a knife, but in the normal range (from 1$ to few hundred), I would get anything if I'll find something that really suits my needs. I can't go with Fallkniven because I already have a U2 in SGPS and an A2 in laminated VG10 and both of them chipped (the u2 edge looked like hell after I had cut a can with it), so they are not what I need. As regards Bark River, I saw their knives in pictures and like them, but A2 steel is more rustale than infi and the knives are generally too thick for what I want. Thickness adds strength but with the cost of cutting performance which is essential for a small knife. From Spyderco I have folders, but now I need something a bit different in design.

The reason I was first of all thinking about geting a Busse knife was because I've tested INFI and have the certitude it would do what I need without problems (at least the 58-60RC infi). So the fact I know how it performs would normally absolve me from searching and reading alot again about other things. And the BAD has a decent thickness for cutting. The SS4 is not for me because it can't be hammered into the back of the handle and because it's a bit too thick for my taste. I was thinking a while at a game warden, but couldn't find anybody on ebay wanting to ship overseas.

Finally, I've just found last week a cheap kitchen knife which impressed me with its cutting performance in the kitchen and I got one for outdoor too. I will use that one until I will find something better which suits my needs or until I will consume it eventually. It cuts amazingly well in wood and I'm not afraid of destroying it, because it costed me only the equivalent of 6$. Here it is a clip with it below.

Thanks for all the replays!

The clip here