WASR's are serviceable. They're not "great" but they do, by and large function fine. They are Romanian in origin, and were imported as single stack guns; that is they only take single stack magazines. Century modifies them in the US by opening up the mag well to take double stack, std AK mags.

My brother has one, and it's a decent shooter. Not gorgeous, but functional and reasonably accurate.

Romanian AK's are decent quality, but aren't thought of as "top tier" in most cases, but all depends on who did the build.

Bulgarian AK's generally are nice, particularly the pre ban milled guns.

Chinese guns are generally top shelf.

Egypt, not so much, but still a Maadi is not a gun I'd turn my nose up at.

Polish AK's are my favorite kit build guns. The Polish kits were all in spectacular condition, whether the PKMS or the Tantal guns...they were nice.

[color:"red"]Hey man! There's a beverage involved here...
