Hey Vic...I bet your looking forward to your first LE...and it is the best one for an EDC that I have seen them produce since I became "nuts" on these things...I am hoping it feels like a very "sturdy" RMD...and on the car front you seem to know your way around the Jeep and what the problem is...might it not be easier to jump outside of the "main dealer" service and get some cheaper labour? I managed to make friends with one of the mechanics who was at my Audi main dealer when putting the car in for service during the warranty period...he now does mine in his own time and at a lot cheaper cost....maybe the same could be sorted out for you...or get some of your biker friends to work on it...when I was into bikes the best mechanics I have ever met were "bikers"....crazy guys but brilliant with engines...

JYD #75