The hunting terrain is flat and heavily wooded here. Unless you're on a gas line or over a bean field, no need for a long range rifle here. A 30-30 or a .44 mag will get the job done here. Sold my .308 for that reason. My "long range" zombie gun is a .223 Mini-14 with a ARS HB 1/9 twist. I can hit a pie plate out to about 500 m on a good day with 62gr.

Yep it's about the same in Missouri 200 yards max mostly 50-100 yard stuff.

.44 mag is a great gun thinking about getting another one. Gave my super blackhawk
to my dad that left me a 70s vintage virginian dragoon, needs a little work but it's a good gun.


JYD#14 Do you need one, of course you do it's a knife and you like knives.....