
We are overpopulated, the population is not in balance with the resources available. Of course nature will take care of that in some form or another.

When I was a kid more than twice the world's (then) population could be placed in a box 1 mile x 1 mile x 1 mile... the population then was around 3 billion and the box could hold over 6 billion...Well the years passed... now with the world's population nearing 7 billion... it takes up a little more than that box.... but if you make that box 1.25 mile x 1.25 mile x 1.25 mile... it could then hold just shy of 12 billion....the point here is... we are not close to being overpopulated when we are jammed up together, looking at the size of the Earth... is it the same if we spread out?....

math follows:

average human size... 2' x 2' x 6' ...

box 1.25 x 1.25 x 1.25 (miles) ..

that is a box 6600' x 6600' x 6600'

using a 2' x 2' x 6' human box

3300 x 3300 x 1100 = 11,979,000,000 human boxes...

If you stood those 12 billion boxes (people) upright and side by side it would cover 1,100,000 acres... not a big area.... just shy of 1719 square miles.... and the earth has approx 196,935,000 sq miles of land surface....

(6600' x 6600' /43560 x 1100[layers]) = 1,100,000 acres
1,100,000 / 640 = 1719± sq. miles

and we are still talking of the 11.9 billion boxes(people) ... not the 7± billion that is the current population...

However, spread out...

196,935,000± sq miles (earth land area) = 126,038,400,000± acres of land

and: 126,038,400,000 (acres) / 7,000,000,000 (people) =

1 person / 18± acres ..

so... are we tight? ... or not?

after much whiskey ...

JYD #129 You should meet my JYD Brother of the Clock... Sar5....