
One question, you did not mention the Ranger Afghan in your review but showed it in your first pic. Curious as to how it compared?

The Afghan is thicker, heavier, and more robust, like the Urban Mutt. I narrowed the comparison to the thinner blades of similar profiles. I think you will agree that the S5, SERE, and Team Leader are very similar knives. Unlike those knives, the Afghan can actually chop without using a baton. The Ratmandu can, too. The Ratmandu is the best 5" blade I have ever found. I thought that with its slightly blade heavy feel, the S5 might chop, but for me it is just too light for chopping. That lighter weight may be a very desirable thing for backpakers or hikers. Don't get me wrong, I love the Scrapper 5. It is very comfortable to use, and it is right behind the Ratmandu in my choice for a perfect 5" blade. Scrap Yard makes other models for chopping.

Horned, dangerous, and off my medication.