
What? Some beaurocrats in the customs office decided to reinterpret the wording of an existing law, and the legislative body responded quickly to re-word the law to prevent that new interpretation.

The system worked exactly as it's supposed to.

We aren't talking about some big movement to ban assisted openers here, we are talking about a handful of people who tried to do something to take away freedom, and were quickly prevented from doing so, by a bi-partisan effort.

I agree, the system did work. This is the same type of thing that happened a few months ago with the used brass from the military. It would no longer be sold for reloading but was to be shredded & sold for scrap. There are many reasons it worked as it did but the main reason(in both cases) is that WE THE PEOPLE stood up and yelled NO THIS IS NOT RIGHT. I am new to this forum but am a strong supporter of both gun and knife rights. I am a life member of the NRA and have a Pro 2nd Amendment/Pro Freedom podcast called Firearms Cafe.

I would encourage everyone to write/email the Senators and thank them for what they did.


Think.....then speak