i see myself possibly taking a razor blade and some sandpaper after i mess up the guard some and trying to smooth it out to remove the problem...think itll work?

I have heard - i think from Andy? (but i have the memory of a goldfish)- that applying a little heat, like using a bic/zippo lighter to warm it makes Res-C soft, and you can actually shape it. But you didn't hear it from me if it turns into a bunch of stringy goo like the cheese when you pick up a piece of hot pizza... I would reccommend starting slowly if you try the heat method. But someone fixed a tear in a Res-c handle that way and it looked as good as new. I just wish i could remember who it was...

We need a 5/16" (or thicker) SR-77 BOWIE!!! (Written back in early '07 -- Regulator Premonition?)