I've had my fair share of 'run-ins' or should I say 'bump-ins' with Zambezis, Tigers and the odd GW, it's more out of being inquisitive than actually wanting to eat me... lol. End of the day I'm in his back-yard and like any top predator they just want to see who's messing around in their territory.

What's been happening lately is that as soon as you hook a fish and the fight starts it's a race getting your catch onto the deck and into the hatch before the 'Tax Man' arrives. With all the commotion it sets off the Sharks hunting instinct and of course it's an easy meal for them... lol.

There's a few basic ways to behave if you have a shark that's showing interest in you and if you follow those steps you'll be fine. The only thing is that sometimes the only way you know he's around is that you'll see a big black shadow on your Fish Finder, other than that you won't know he's there. Who knows how many times they've been around and I just didn't know about it... It's actually a good thing... lol.

"As you think, so shall you become." ~ Bruce Lee