While on the topic

Something that bothers me,
I was in the Navy,78-82.
There was no war,however
there could have been.
We were in the Gulf of Oman,Indian Ocean
all up there when Iran they had the hostages.
I was on the USS Independence Aircraft Carrier.
We had orders as soon as Ronald Regan was sworn into Office
to preform an Alpha Strike. (all flyable planes would load
up with bombs and go hit targets)
Fortunately they released the hostages before the planes took off.
There were a lot of 19yr old kids like myself,crappin in their pants
that night. The old timers were talkin'
"well boys,better write your momma goodbye,this is it...."
Anyway,what bothers me is why a non combat vet is treated differently
than a combat vet. Yes,I know those who served in combat
have seen/done things I could never imagine and rightfully
do deserve any Honors bestowed upon them,but
as far as military benefits,well,
there "could" have been a war break out while many of us served.

Ok,rant complete...
Just pissed at the way some of the Vets are treated because
of when they served.

(I do realize there is quite a difference volunteering
during a war vs peacetime)

JYD #76