Skunkhunter - Yes, I can tell it is great place. As far as the knives go; I originally purchased a CS Trailmaster and a Recon Scout. I ran across Noss's S6 review, and a video of a kid accidentally breaking a Trailmaster while batoning. Everything kind of fell together for me then: If I am going to spend that kind of money on a wilderness knife, I wanted one that was DESIGNED to be unbreakable. The two CS knives got returned unused. When I joined this forum, the email took me straight to the design page of SY. Truly fascinating stuff, radiused turns, checking each knife for micro-cracks, I am even quite impressed that there is no exposed tang. I had wondered why, and the explanation was so, well, logical. It would have looked a lot cooler, but I don't spend much time trying to hammer with the butt of my knives anyway. Big companies are often more concerned with the image than the substance. No denigrarion to CS, I have more than one of their knives. But when it comes to down and dirty, I think I'm going to like that DF the best. I'm not to worried about it breaking on me if it happens to get wedged somewhere it doesn't belong. I've found my home. It's strange no-one had thought of it before. BTW, the SOD is paid for and on the way to me!