Indeed "Every Picture Tells a Story Don't It" for those of you old enough to remember Rod Stewart's album and song of the line.

And to quell thoughts of any bashing of Dan... I haven't seen any. But I do know of Dogs deleted for riding his Arse to much in the past.

Dan does get amusement out of our panting.But in the years gone by sometimes it gets out of hand and he'll let us know when it reaches that point.

I felt like an idiot once before I think it was the DFLE.

I rode Dan like a monkey on a dog. He put his foot down. I could have slid under a snakes belly. I guess that's why I sound itchy some times when I start seeing the monkey sizing up that dog.

So sorry if ANY Dog felt I was peeing on their doorstep. Absolutely not the case. I still have sores on my knees from when I did it to Dan.

Love that man and his company so much I'd rather hurt myself than them.


Some people just never learn.

JYD #44