Dan I for one want to also thank You first for the knives you give us. I have never seen a higher quality knife for such a price and your warranty borders on the insane. You TRUST your customers to be as honest in their dealings with you (I ACCIDENTALLY broke my knife because....)as you are with your customers. It would appear this trust has paid off because you are still in business.

I also want to thank you for providing this Website and these Forums for back and forth communications between you and your customers. And a place for us to "talk" to each other and to yes, also amuse one another with our antics. And I also want to thank you for having laid the ground rules for how we are to conduct ourselves. We at times disagree, but your guidance has instilled in us the desire to NOT offend even when we do not agree. To respect the thoughts and rights of others and to recognize that others do not need to think as we do in order for us to be a community a group, a family, truly a BROTHERHOOD! Thank You Dan


May the next 5 years be even better than those that have passed.

aka The SkunkHunter

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 09/16/11 02:08 AM.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

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