After last Saturday we decided to give Nhlabane another go on Sunday seeing we weren’t successful in bringing anything home for a braai... We'd planned everything and invited a few extra folks but based on the weather of late in Richards Bay and the reports for the weekend the cancellations came in thick and fast. Nevertheless I woke up at 3:00am on Sunday morning, checked the weather and decided to wait a while as the wind was howling... At 5:00am I checked again, it was slightly overcast but most importantly the wind had died down so I decided to get all the boys out of bed and 'hit the road'... By 6:00am we were moving...

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It's hard to believe that 20 odd years ago there was nothing but sand dunes here...

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Right, let the games begin...

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And it wasn't long and Shane (the luckiest fisherman ever) delivered... A 90cm, approximately 8kg Garrick. The most amazing part of all is that this Garrick must have been extremely hungry or blind because it was caught on sardine... lol.

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There were already a few guys at Nhlabane by the time we arrived; with a fierce side wash it forced everyone to seriously increase their weights on their sinkers... lol. By 12:00pm the sea flattened, the wash eased, the wind settled and it turned out to be a superb days fishing...

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At least it wasn't too long and my rod started scream...


That such a little thing could give me such a hard time was amazing. It felt like I had hooked the oceans plug... lol.


And of course the day would not have been complete without Ry getting something as well...



On my 'Big Stick' I'd clipped a Mackerel head which was out for most part of the day, my reel ran properly and after trying to get whatever picked me up to move a little my line parted... Not to mention how my wife almost wet herself when I smashed into the beach and ended up flat on my back... lol.


Here's my apprentice/sidekick, had him casting a popper until his arms were sore...


It was an excellent day at the water, I'm glad we took the chance with the weather... At least it worked out in our favour...



And now for the best part... The eating!!!



What an excellent way to end a brilliant day...



"As you think, so shall you become." ~ Bruce Lee