Is that the edible kind?

I decided to google that shroom and see if it is edible. It looks like it might be a Green-Spored Lepiota. If so do not eat it. This is what I found out about it.

Toxicity: The Green-spored Lepiota contains proteins or amino acids that are not tolerated by the digestive system of humans or many other mammals. Symptoms typically commence within one-half to one and one-half hours (but sometimes as much as several hours) following ingestion of the mushroom (either raw or cooked). The typical symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Symptoms often abate after a few hours of suffering but sometimes can last for as long as two days. As with other mushrooms containing similar gastroirritants, in some cases the victim's vomiting and diarrhea are severe enough to require hospitalization to prevent life-threatening dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Junk Yard Dog #38

[P]ositive [E]nergy [A]lways [C]orrects [E]rrors