Originally Posted by Architect
I wasn't pointing anything toward you Randy. Every post I make here (well almost every post) is intended to be informational for everyone else.

I've burned through a lot of money "buying my knowledge" if you will - no reason not to share it for free!

Never thought you were Gary. But even if you were, it's only opinions and wouldn't be anything to get upset about. Differing opinions are how things get accomplished. You see a different point of view and say, Hey, that's pretty good!

We shouldn't get upset at someone's differing opinion. We should look at it and figure out WHY their opinion differed. Perhaps they have "tried that" and it didn't work. Perhaps it's only a personal preference. The important thing is to look at WHY IT IS DIFFERENT and then either use or discard the difference as you want. (Hope I said that right).

Oh and FREE information is GREAT! wink

Last edited by SkunkHunter; 08/03/13 01:28 AM.

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