i decided i'm going after some big fish for the next month or so. so far I've hooked a couple but for some reason my line isn't holding up. don't know what size fish I had but yesterday i got the "zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" i have been looking for. this fish covered a lot of ground in a short time. unfortunately my 30# braided line snapped right when I tightened up my drag and began to reel it in. almost like the fish had scrapper on him. i could stomped a hole in the ground I was so mad!

i dont know for sure but it actually might been an alligator. I'm stumped.. i just can see 30# braid giving up a fish that easy.

found 3 spots along the river to fish. this is where i will most likely find fish over 20lbs. i need to get my line rigging down and hopefully i will have some biguns in after a while.

JYD #82 yup...