I LOVE my Yard Hook. It was my first Busse-kin knife.

I am having something custom made by one of the guys on BF that will be a little longer and just a bit thinner. I want that nice recurve in a package that weighs about the same. Too bad that I lose the Res-C and the hook.

Originally Posted by itxploded
college is doing well for me and i am looking for part time work to aid my gun/knife habit, so for 2014 i want to find someone who will part with a yard hook, a new delica, endura and RAT 1 as mine are getting heavy daily carry and wear, would also love to find someone willing to part with a dogfather as well, then not knives but semi related: new sheath for my scrapivore so i can para wrap the handle correctly, and a glock 23 as carrying a full size 1911 bites! here is to a fruitful year! cool