I always wanted to try a Fallkniven, but swore to foresake all others when I wed Busse. (Fallkniven do still appeal to me greatly).

I too like large knives in the 9-12" range. If nothing else they really boost morale when things get rough. I've had occasion to experience early stage hypothermia (deep woods, raining/sleet, improperly equipped and dressed). This was many years ago, but if I remember correctly I was carrying either a USAF Survival Knife or a USMC Fighting Knife (Ontario version of the KBar). Anyway, I wasn't able to get a fire going and couldn't build a quick enough shelter. My hiking buddy and I sufferred through a MISERABLE night. Had I been carrying a large knife (or hatchet) I would have 45 degree fell a small conifer for an instant crawl under lean to.

I learned a lot on that weekend. That friend and I hiked every weekend for several years. A few lessons are easy to share:

1) NO COTTON clothing.
2) Carry at least 3 means of making fire.
3) If its sunny when you leave still bring a poncho (at minimum).
5) Being hungry is annoying, being thirsty is dangerous.

JYD #123 The great one formerly known as Architect.

I am now a fictional British television police officer (currently a Detective Sgt) at Thames Valley Station. My governor is Detective Inspector Fred Thursday and it’s 1969.