I need a recommendation for a good (well written for smart beginners, factual information) book on being self sufficient when it comes to food.

I'm NOT really a prepper. I don't have a giant end-of-the-world pantry, 2 years worth of water, or more than a few boxes of ammo. But I like to be at least minimally prepared when it comes to knowledge. I have a handful of books concerning various survival topics, edible/medical wild plants and mushrooms, field medicine, general survival techniques, etc.

However when it comes to being self sufficient for food, I have nothing, and am not knowledgeable enough to determine if a book is worth it or not.

Ideally it should be a book that describes farming techniques that doesn't require modern technology (think Amish level stuff.) Topics such as when to plant certain crops, how much they yield, how to save and replant the seeds, raising/caring for/butchering things like chickens, rabbits, and other easy livestock.

I plan on using this on a very small scale for a simple home garden to supplement groceries, but want information that can be expanded for complete self sufficiency if necessary.

It would be especially great if you can recommend books that you've successfully used at least parts of, or know enough about these topics to make a useful recommendation on.

"Wroof! Wroof!" - George IV misterdog-muensterdog-monsterhog