Alright…now Randy, before you read this, I think you’ll need to get your phone and dial 9-1 and then put your finger on the other 1. Any Dogs in the area be ready to respond to a heart attack at Randy’s place!
After a lot of thought, talking, waiting and waiting- I just swore into the Army National Guard as a social work officer in the medical services! Some folks know I’m a long time social worker and a bit beat up by the field. After 20+ years of work, I was struggling to find the sense of service that I had and felt deeply for years and was considering leaving the field entirely. After a lot of thought I knew one of the groups that I feel like I could help and do well with is soldiers. I looked into it last Fall and the paperwork finally came through and led to an interview and swearing in today.
Thanks to JJ and Spider-Pig who pm’ed me on the side to advise me on talking with the recruiters. I appreciate it!
So anyway…back to waiting for the new release!!