Alright…now Randy, before you read this, I think you’ll need to get your phone and dial 9-1 and then put your finger on the other 1. Any Dogs in the area be ready to respond to a heart attack at Randy’s place! After a lot of thought I knew one of the groups that I feel like I could help and do well with is soldiers. I looked into it last Fall and the paperwork finally came through and led to an interview and swearing in today.
After all I've done for you, treated you like a member of my own family, you go and join the ARMY!

I don't know if I will survive the shock long enough to dial 911. I feel so, so violated!

OK now that I KNOW you feel SO sorry for your traitorous act, the only other thing I can say is CONGRATULATIONS! You not only found a way to continue doing what you enjoy, you found a way to show your patriotism and compassion for those who safeguard our very way of life.
Are you full time or part time? I am guessing full time. What is your rank?
At least it wasn't the Marines.
Again Rich, Congratulations and I wish you MANY years in your new life.