I am sure that those of you that read my above post noticed a distinct lack of the vaunted 45acp. ONE reason for this is that my current "Favorite" 45 is the Springrield Armory SDX. BUT the last time I shot it, after about 50 rounds it had my "You're Number one" finger hurting so bad I couldn't even grip it correctly. Now my 45 Colt 1991A1 is a different story.

The Other, and I guess main reason is that I have a 9mm pistol AND carbine that uses the same magazine. THAT to me is worth a lot. No worries about grabbing the wrong one PLUS for most purposes (Mine anyway) the 9mm loading I am using will get the job done adequately. NO handgun round is a guaranteed ONE SHOT STOP. It's all a trade off, one in which you MUST stack the odds in YOUR favor. Due to my age, eyesight and not shooting as much as I would like/should, I just do better with the 9mm at the ranges I specified in my above post.

A Little Paranoia Will Keep
You Safe (ALPWKYS)

Be a Sheepdog